How To Draw A Flower Step By Step
  1. Draw a circle roughly in the middle of the page. This will be the core of the flower and as such needs to be detailed as it will form the focal point. I added simple bumped lines to make the effect of a pollen filled core. I applied the same line markings to the top of the circle to give a 3D effect.
  2. Add a 'skirt' of irregular arrowhead shaped triangles to form small petals that circle the delicate core. This again is important as they surround the focal point they should be neat and even to make the image 'flow' better and seem much more realistic.
  3. Add petals. These are easily drawn using a teardrop shape. The rounded end should touch the middle of the image and the point face outward. By varying the curves and wavy lines you can make the petals look much more realistic.
  4. Add curved lines radiating from the 'core' on each petal. This adds greater depth and is an excellent way of simply and effectively drawing the eye to the centre of the image even more. Others are added to the tips of each petal again to add with the flow.
  5. Small triangles of leaves are added in between each large petal to form the petals underneath. You do not have to do this, however it adds a greater sense of depth, detail and interest as well as opportunities to play with colours later on.
  6. Colour your flower. I chose warm oranges, yellows and reds. I contrasted this with the focal point being ringed with a mix of deep and lighter purples.

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